Polypropylene Sheets

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polypropylene (PP) is a polyolefin thermoplastic. Polyolefins are partially crystalline thermoplastics which exhibit very high chemical resistance because of their non-polar nature. They include both polypropylene and polyethylene in various modified forms and, because they can be processed easily by conventional methods, are important plastics in widespread use.

polypropylene has a very low specific density of 0.91g/cm3 and is one of the lighter plastics. Its rigidity, hardness and strength plus the ability to be easily welded make it ideal for use in corrosion-resistant applications. It has good electrical properties and a high operating temperature.

polypropylene is non-toxic and authorised for use in the food sector; it is also resistant to diluted acids, alkali and salt solutions, water, alcohol and petrol.

Temperature range: -10°C to +100°C



  • Very good chemical and corrosion resistance
  • High rigidity and hardness
  • Low specific density (0.91g/cm3)
  • High heat-ageing resistance
  • Non-toxic for food contact
  • High stress cracking resistance


  • Screw connections
  • Collar nuts
  • Chemical pump components
  • Clicking boards
  • Food sector applications
  • Chemical tanks


Rod from 8mm to 800mm
Sheet from 2mm to 100mm
Tube on indent only


Rod Standard length: 2000mm
Sheet Standard sizes:
2440 x 1220mm
3000 x 150mm
Tube Standard length: 2000mm